While it generally comes as a surprise to us, it shouldn’t. We are all going to die. Some of us will die sooner than later, it’s just a fact of life, what counts is how we are living our day to day lives. We each have a specific purpose in God’s great creation. Our life is a celebration of God’s greatness. Just waking up this morning is positive proof that God is in control. No amount of wealth can ensure you’ll see another day. It’s only through His grace and mercy that we live a celebratory life. Each time our eyes open, each time our lungs consume another breath, each time we feel pain, joy, happiness, sorrow, love, peace – you got it. There is cause to celebrate; the person that does not have died. We often forget or simply do not understand that when this life is over we will give an account to our creator. What we have done with our gifts, time and talent each deed will be accounted for. I was shocked to hear of the passing of someone many of us know, love and respect. RIP brother, you will be missed especially by those who knew you best. Grief One Day at a Time: Meditation
Life is an incredible gift. What we do with this gift is up to us. Let us not take it for granted, we may not see tomorrow. A songwriter once wrote a song, “Live like you’re dying”. True fact – you are. When does the fact that life is a gift become a reality – after death? Don’t let this gift slip away without acknowledging the beauty and pleasure that has unfolded in your life. Recognize God’s bountiful mercy and unlimited grace. Strive to understand your God-given purpose, walk in your celebratory truth giving praise to God each day you live. Share your heart, mind, and love of life in some meaningful way with everyone you encounter – start today. “Adrienne Vanterpool”
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