Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Love Is A Privilege - Don't Take It For Granted

We Love, We Care, We Take For  Granted...

Do you take loved ones, family members, and friends for granted in hope that they will always be with you?  We sometimes feel that we can make up for lost time.  However, those things we didn't do or say may never get done.  As much as we would love to have them in our lives forever, we know there will come a time when we all will answer destiny’s call.  That call will not be put off, canceled or forgotten like so many of our other missed appointments; that call will be answered – ready or not.  I encourage you to enjoy the privilege of love and the ability to share and care for others while it is still today.  It’s really not all that difficult.  Learn to accept people for who
and what they are.  Show your love by the things you do, it's not just something to say.  Learn the art of forgiveness while understanding those whom you have forgiven may soon hurt you again; allow their love and yours to grow in spite of the fear.  None of us perfectly practice the principles of love in our lives.  We are, however, perfectly human every day; and in being so, we understand that there is a growing curve we must master in order to get through to the other side of self.  If we see in others what we see in ourselves; that we are just as fallible as they; our acceptance will strengthen and grow.  Find it hard to forgive, try.  Find it hard to show love, try.  Try, try and try again and again to be the best person you can be.  Our families, friends and loved ones will feel our effort and we will not be taken for granted.  Do all that you can while considering how you want to be treated.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"


  1. I have no problem showing problem is watering the garden and nurturing relationships. Very sad as it isolates me.


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