Monday, July 30, 2018

Control Issues

Tired of trying to regain control of your life or someone else’ when your life is totally out of control? 

Learning how to recognize you’re out of control seems to be a relentless pursuit.  We tell ourselves we’re not trying to control the end results, when in fact we are. It is undeniable when the truth is staring you in the face.  How so?  Every situation points to your inability to control your life, let alone someone else’. 

Rarely recognized and often misunderstood issues with control develop in everyone’s life.  Denial is often the first recognizable trait we acknowledge.  Why?  Denial is an attempt to control how others view the unmanageability that has crept into our lives.  Our inability to deal with life on life’s terms turns into an incredible battle of wills with self.  You know, self-will run riot trying to control the outcome of every circumstance. 

Consequently, life on life’s term events happens with or without our expressed permission leaving behind those inevitable feelings of powerlessness, lack of control, abandonment, and defeat.  Could this have gone another way?  Of course, relinquishing the need for control and coming to acceptance can do a world of good.   

Acceptance is the key to freedom.  When God’s well becomes evident acceptance is not always to the first course of action.  We pray, ask for guidance and wait.  However, when prayer becomes the tool we use to exercise control over a situation the end results is always the same.  Trying to control how prayers get answered will cause even more pain. 

Consider this:

Seek guidance while asking for forgiveness; be willing to accept the answer with an open mind.  Understand that the solution will come in the good orderly direction in spite of how it feels, move forward knowing that God is, now and always has been in control.  Adrienne Vanterpool”
Read other blog posts:


  1. Just what I needed....been out of control since my illnesses Just now truly accepting on a deeper level...more than I could ever express

    1. Illness strikes everyone's life in some form or another at varied times throughout our lives, usually when we least expect or want it. However, it's not uncommon for us to become sick and surely understandable not wanting the experience. Coping with sickness can be tricky. Our perception plays a huge part in our ability to patiently go through the healing process especially when getting better seems impossible. Prayer feels like a chore instead of a God given priviledge to seek and ask for help. Let go and let God take the wheel, He is still in control. I pray you get better soon.

  2. Seek guidance while asking for forgiveness. That's exactly what I'm ready to do. I really needed to read this.

    1. Sometimes it's a matter of forgiving ones' self and allowing Gods' guidance to take over. I remember praying and asking forgiveness for things God had long since forgotten and forgave. Yet there I was pleading over and over for that which had already occurred. One day I realized God had forgiven me and became grateful and willing to allow good orderly directions flow to take over.


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