There are many reasons for reaching and sustaining healthy hydration.

Proper hydration does wonders for the body when done in the right manner particularly the effects water has on supporting weight loss. Yes, you got it water is the most favorable drink on the market for appropriate hydration. There are no side effects and the benefits are astronomical. First recognize that our bodies are 70 percent water, which means the other 30 percent are organs, tissues, and bones. The food we consume is converted into nutrients that nourish our total body. What we do not use is stored or removed from the body as waste.

It is suggested that we drink at least half our body’s weight in ounces of water daily. This does not include other drinks. Help yourself to other drinks as long as you have accomplished the desired goal of drinking half your body weight in water. Truthfully once you have done so you will not be thirsty or hungry for that matter. Often times we are consuming food unaware that what our body really needs and wants is water. I found a very interesting article that will help you better understand the process our bodies go through in relation to water and its many benefits. “Adrienne Vanterpool”
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