Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Gratitude and Willingness

Are You Grateful?

I woke this morning, prepared to pray and ready myself for work.  All too often I move through the day thinking of God's goodness and mercy in my life and in those I love.  Today I felt a calm assurance that God is and has been blessing me all my life.  Every moment of my life has and is being guided by a governing force much greater than I.  It may seem difficult to understand or even articulate, however, I know without a doubt God is with me.  In times of trouble when I feel alone, He is there.  Ever present, God nurtures and care for us in so many ways.  His love for us will never perish.
Some may think of God as awful and punishing, and rightfully so.  To those who have given their lives in service to Him, there is a blessed reward.  To those who have disobeyed Him theirs is a just reward.   Just?  What do I mean by just reward?  First, let us examine what God himself has told us and instructed us to do.  We are given clear guidance by the prophets and all those sent before us to worship in spirit and in truth.  We are urged to love one another, to feed the sick, visit the poor, to honor our mothers and fathers, to be grateful and to love our neighbor as life our selves.  We are instructed not to kill, steal and be warmongering towards one another.  Do we have reason to fear God?  Yes, of course, we do.  He is a just God, His word is sure and everlasting.  He is not a lier and nor is He the son of a lier.  When we are told of the judgment we forget the clear signs, instructions, and guidance we have been given.  We often forget God's plea and His admonishments to us.  We forget all the wrong we have done to ourselves as well as others and somehow expect that God will grant us entry into the pearly gates when we have paved our own way into the gates of hell.  
This we must remember, God loves us and give us many opportunities to love and care for ourselves and others.  If we love as God loves us we will be grateful in spite of ourselves.  Sinful people earn the reward of hell by the deeds they have committed in the flesh.  Grateful people earn the rewards of heaven by the deeds they have committed in the flesh.  Odd but true, we earn our rewards through our deeds.  God in His mercy wants to reward us with the best things of this life and the hereafter.  But have we earned it?  Often times we are forgiven for our sins without even asking and granted God's favor of mercy under many circumstances.  However, taken for grant God's mercy has boundaries we dare not cross.  I know some will differ on this, however, set boundaries have been established.  When God told Pharaoh "let my people go" there was a clear boundary set up in the Red Sea when the warning was not heeded Pharaoh and his followers drowned.  Did Pharaoh and those who followed him earn their punishment, indeed.  Did they cross clear boundaries, most definitely We have many examples to read, listen and learn from.  God provides everything we need to escape the fires of hell, yet there are many that will end up there.
Why are we so prom to an error in our ways and feel that in spite of our behavior we will in some miraculous way be granted peace and entrance in the hereafter?  Our fears are healthy and strong for we know all too well the deeds we have done in our flesh and continue to do.  We may lie to the world about our upstanding conduct and impeccable behaviors, but we know all too well the truth of the matter.  We can not hide from ourselves and in no way are we capable of hiding from the presence of God.  His angels are writing down our every deed.  I call it divine surveillance for a clear record is being kept of all we do.  On the day of judgment, and there will be a day of judgment, we will be given our books and judged by our deeds.  Although merciful God wants nothing more than to bless us, we have in our own way denied His blessings and asked for just and due to punishment, "if you do the crime, you will do the time."

Am I grateful?  Yes, I woke this morning in my right mind, willing to be obedient, willing to worship and willing to praise and give thanks for another opportunity to get it right.  I must admit I haven't always been willing to do what is in my best interest.  Thank God for His many opportunities and blessings.  I am grateful that I still have time today to muster up enough courage and moral fiber to do what God has called on me to do.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Many Faces of Addiction

How do you define addiction?

Addiction is generally characterized as substance abuse. It is often assumed or associated with the addict sticking a needle in their arm or worse. However, it goes much deeper than that.  Most people in our society do not realize that they are just as addicted as the person using drugs.  Addiction expresses itself in a number of ways.  I recently read an article that defines other types of addiction.  One definition that stands out is the one given for behavioral addiction, “an overwhelming desire to engage in a particular behavior or action, having a total lack of control over one's behavior.   Addiction was also defined as having a compulsive or obsessive nature; meaning that an individual will continue behaving in a negative manner despite impending doom or dire consequences.  Regardless of whether the activities we participate in are considered acceptable by many standards and not really harmful, it becomes easy to overlook the damage caused.  Sure, lots of people overeat, but are they addicted to food; in most cases, yes.   We have all heard the saying, “eat to live and live to eat,” right?  How does that play out in addition?  Well, eating is something we all must do to survive. Food is the essential nourishment of the body.  However, when we gorge ourselves eating way past the point of satiation not knowing when to quit or being unable to stop, is an addiction.  

The feelings are relatively the same whether its food, drugs, shopping for clothes and shoes, smoking, watching TV, or working.  There is a definite line of demarcation that falls between addictive and “normal” patterns of behavior.  Being obsessed or acting compulsively if often seen or described as being passionate or spontaneous, which are healthy traits. However, when obsession and compulsion begin to negatively affect parts of your life that would otherwise be productive, you have moved into the realm of addiction.  
Watching too much TV can plague your life and as a result your home, family, and friends or left feeling neglected.  Working long hours without taking a much-needed break throughout the course of your day will cause health issues and more.  Losing track of time while engaged in some obsessive or compulsive behavior can cause miss appointments, bills to go unpaid or that pot of food to burn, and so much more.  It is sometimes very difficult to bring the focus back to what you’re actually supposed to be doing.  Addicts spent enormous amounts of time being caught up in whatever they're doing while everything suffers around them.  
When this happens you know it’s an addiction and it has nothing to do with drugs. Individuals who suffer from obsessive or compulsive behavioral traits are more likely to fall under the influence of drug addiction; however, it is not the norm.  Going through life unaware of addictive behavior patterns or character defects that lead to emotional, mental, and spiritual deprivation over time will result in an even greater loss if not recognized.  I have linked an article to the title above which talks more extensively about this subject.  I found it to be very interesting and helpful. “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Planning Your Next Vacation

Where Would You Like To Go?

Even the most expensive vacation plans can be accomplished with a well thought out detailed planning practice.  Money is always an issue.  Having enough or not enough to successfully achieve your vacation goals do not need to come into question when planning or does it.  Think of where you'd like to go, what it will take to get you there and how practical is your desire.   Both rich and poor vacationers travel extensively enjoying their journeys in a variety of ways.   It's all in the planning.  Choose your accommodations wisely don’t overspend.  Travel plans made according to your budget generally work best.  If you do not have a six-figure job, it would be wise to choose more reasonable accommodations.  Look for economic means of transportation.   Try locating the nearest buffet and other restaurants that are suitable for your budget.  Hotels are meant to provide your lodging place does not need to be the most expensive place in town.  

Explore commercial means of transportation consider car rental versus taking a cab.  Find out if there is public transportation available and depending on the distance you may contemplate walking as an option which is always a great sightseeing opportunity. Take pictures along the way, discover things that you would have otherwise not known or had the option to see had you driven or taking the bus.  It's also great exercise, therefore, have fun while doing so.  Biking is another option you may consider as well.  Make your next vacation plans with these suggestions in mind, I guarantee it will be a lot less stressful.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

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